Once, before time, before space, before energy, before matter, there was nothing. Nothing at all, not even darkness.
Then God said, “Let there be Light”. And there was Light, lots of Light. So much Light that it exploded, like a Big Bang.
After the explosion, there was a great expansion and Light became time, space, energy, and matter.
After thirteen billion years, there were trillions of stars in billions of galaxies scattered throughout the universe. These stars were energy and matter in space and time, all from God’s Light.
In the Milky Way galaxy, one star’s light fell on a nearby planet called Earth. After millions of years, that light created life. Over time, life evolved into very complex species.
The most complex of earth’s species are called humans. It took a while, but humans began to wonder about their origins, their planet and their universe.
At first, humans were guided by prophets who told them that God was the source of everything. And that God was the Light of the World.
Soon after that, humans gained more knowledge, through a process called science,
That science developed laws that predicted many things, including the origins of humans, the mechanisms on the planet and the understanding of the universe.
These laws connect energy, matter, space and time. And the basis for these laws is light.
At some point, humans began to wonder, could the Light of the world be the light of their origins, their planet and their universe?
Could everything be GodLight?