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Team GodLight

Light of the World

I certainly appreciate and honor the perspective of any religious person that spirituality/religion and science/physics are two very different paradigms or belief systems. I accepted that point of view for most of my life.

In a basic science class in many high schools, students are taught that our universe was created a long time ago (13.8 billion years actually). But most current religions, philosophies and spiritual belief systems were created by human beings several thousand of years ago.These religions and philosophies do acknowledge that some Force, often called God, created the universe from which earth and we humans evolved. However, there is very little discussion about how the God of the universe is connected to the God of their religion, except for creation stories like Genesis.

As a Christian, I don’t need to reconcile these two “ versions” of God to follow my religion. I believe in the Bible, particularly the New Testament Gospels and Letters.I can practice my religion and believe that God the Father is one part of the mysterious Trinity and that Jesus came to our planet to save us and the Holy Spirit continues to guide us. In away, the “God the Father” of my religion emerged from believers two to three thousand years ago and was further defined by Jesus in his teachings.

Maybe that is exactly the way to think about God, the God of the Universe who created our universe billions of years ago and a God of our World who began to reveal his identity thousands of years ago. Maybe it’s the same God, maybe it’s a version that we can understand, maybe it’s a God that can be understood by our current human intelligence. MaybeJesus was sent to earth by God the Father to do just that. Let’s celebrate this gift during this sacred Holiday Season.

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