We are Thought Leaders studying and managing interaction and collaboration of multiple partners to deliver new solutions and new futures in business, cultural, or social systems.
This Journal takes a deep dive into the core of successful Collaborative Innovation and explores breakthroughs beyond what already seems possible. We are looking for ideas, conversations, stories, and experiments which might tend to challenge existing prejudices either for or against any particular solution of problems under consideration.
We mean to provide the tranquility and Collaborative Freedom requisite to fundamental inquiry into the unknown…
The Values that inform this journal:
Human Mutuality
Collaborative Innovation
The Sky is No Longer the Limit
Charles E. Smith Ph.D.
The Most Important Questions For Our Time
In this first Journal issue, I’m especially interested in addressing Buckminster Fuller’s question from which he created his extraordinary inventive technical and social inventions and projects. At this extraordinary time of social, political and economic disintegration, with respect to Collaborative Innovation, What is the most important question we can ask, and why?